Sunday, October 6, 2013

Im Only Helping You

            Comedy shows are fun and unlike any other experience in the performing art category.  The jokes, upsurd logic that is presented can carry a rhythm and a tone that the comedian puts countless hours behind.  Music, poetry, dance and other performing arts share similar traits but stand-up comedy, on its own, is a different animal completely.  Stand-up is a constant change of ideas presented with comedic timing and delivery.  Most other forms of live entertainment are played or presented at you, where stand-up is all about the satisfaction of the audience.  With stand up, gears can be switched if the audience isnt feeling the train of thought the comedian presents which is a huge difference than sitting through a movie you hate or listening to a crappy song until you hear the song you like.  A constant battle between artistic integrity and doing your job of getting laughs is internally fought while a comic is on stage.  AND YET SOME PEOPLE JUST TAKE THAT FOR GRANTED AND START ANSWERING RHETORICAL QUESTIONS OR THINK IT'S OK TO "HELP THE SHOW."

            Hecklers.  What can I say that hasnt already been said about dead babies.  They stink.  Hecklers are everywhere in our lives.  The people that interrupt conversations to make a point nobody asked them to make about something off the topic.  These self absorbed drones.  These vile, sometimes racist, boring story telling, billigerent, unapologizing assholes ruin the laughs other people paid for.  The other people, sure they didnt pay to see me but did pay to see PROFESSIONAL COMEDIANS tell jokes. 

           What really gets me angry are the people that use the safety of society.  The confidence of some people when they cant be singled out is through the roof.  If comics were selling jokes on the street, these people wouldnt say a word if being confronted one on one.  But the illusion is "oh Im just speaking for the crowd".  Sometimes I wish the rest of the audience would do what the people on those 9/11 flights should have done and over power these social terrorists.  Social Terrorists. Yes that suits these unoriginals fine.

            The truth is that stand-up comedy is an after thought for most people.  Unlike most medias of entertainment, very few people really enjoy live comedy to their core.  Plus anything live, people feel the risk.  A risk of maybe these people I paid to be funny arent my kind of funny.  I completely understand that logic.  A movie they give you previews to hype it up.  A band will let you listen to songs before you see them in concert.  But a comedy show is a 4D experience because comics are a living, breathing entity feeding the energy of the room or devouring it down.  BUT WHEN ANOTHER AUDIENCE MEMBER SHITS ON THE RISK THE REST OF YOU TOOK, WITH YOUR ONE LIFE, I WISH THE REST WOULD TELL THEM TO SHUT THE HELL UP.  Again this is just a wish and the actual reality of a situation would be to just rise above it.  But being mature, although not fun, is in the long run a better solution to handling jerks.  

             In closing, I understand that there will always be social terrorism.  Some people cant respect the fact the comic on stage didnt just walk off the street but put years into their act.  You social terrorists are not original by answering rhetorical questions because chances are some other delusional dick already anwered that same set up on the last show.  Ive learned that fighting terrorism with terrorism only ruins it for the people trying to enjoy the show.  So this whole thing was for nothing because nothing is going to change.  Ive learned how this post is unoriginal.  Life is empty means nothing.  Bang!

1 comment:

  1. What I enjoyed the most was the social terrorism that followed the blog. I'm forwarding it to my family. I'm going to also state my entire life is a set and therefore they are always expected to shut the fuck up !
